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Image by Rhett Wesley

Light Language

'Light Language started healing things

that I did not even know needed healing.' 


Light Language is the communication of the soul; it is interpreted through the heart  bypassing the conscious, rational mind. Containing keys, codes and frequencies of light - energy is channeled and transmitted to activate DNA, innate healing abilities and akashic rememberance. Light Language is great for clearing, balancing, healing, aligning and activating mind, body, spirit and soul. 


Multidimensional energy channeled via movement, sound/tones and words encoded with light from Source, Dimensional Realms of Light, Collectives of Light, Galactics, Elementals, Gaia.  Light language can also includes written codes and symbols.


As a Multidimensional Energy Channel, I connect to high vibrational frequencies of pure divine love and light to facilitate the movement of energy to clear, heal, create flow and balance of all body systems.  Light Language assist in this process by offering energy and frequencies of higher consciousness via sound and movement to raise the consciousness and resonance of the individual.


Unlimited Possibilities...


  • Multidimensional Healing 

  • Clears energy blocks and density

  • Release old patterns and programming

  • Activates DNA & innate healing abilities

  • Transform Past Life Energies

  • Activates Akashic awakening and past life remembrance

  • Open & Expand connection to Higher Self & Source Energy 

  • Messages and guidance from Family of Light & Spirit Team

  • Awaken your ability to channel light 

  • Individual, Collective & Planetary Healing



My Light Language Experience...


I began channeling Light Language while leading group meditations and healing sessions.  It started as sounds and tones flowing, and then my hands and body began to move in various ways.  It was almost like I was dancing and speaking the energy as it flowed through me.  The more I allowed, the more the energy would flow.  I was hesitant at first because I did not know what was happening but I trusted and allowed.  I was in awe of the feedback I started getting during group sessions and personally things in my life started shifting and healing in ways I never imagined. 


I discovered that my ability to channel light language had been activated after our baby was born sleeping at birth due to a rare chromosomal disease he was diagnosed with in utero.  After receiving the diagnosis that our baby was 'incompatible with life' I surrendered to the knowing that this was a divine plan much greater that I.  This ultimate surrender taught me so much about living in the present, in the here and now and taught me to honor my inner knowing.  Light language appeared for me to heal my grief and heal my life in a whole and complete way.  It started healing things in my life that I didn't even realize needed healing. When I began sharing it with others I knew if was part of my akashic record, my souls work in this lifetime - being remembered to assist humanity in this here and now.  I continue to heal, learn and grow everyday with this gift of remembrance and I share it with others for individual, collective and planetary healing.          


Channeling Light Codes on 2:22:2022

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